Friday, February 12, 2010

40 Photos and Texture

This was not my favorite work but I think I could make it better by adding more very translucent flowers over the whole view. I like how rich all the colors are especially the upper left flower. I originally had them all overlapping but the snowey background drowned out the other flowers and didn't look like I wanted it to...over all I think I just need to plan on what I want my shot to look like and not procrastinate so much!

I like this picture a lot with the added texture but it sort of looks unreal. I don't like how weird the editing made her eyes look but the texture is good because it gives it a rigid, cold look which I like. Also, I love all the different colors she's wearing and she stands out a lot in front of the colorless snow. 

Monday, February 8, 2010


For this photo I tried to focus on all the detail and texture of the lonely plant by setting my camera to super macro which blurred out the rest of the background.

This picture was taken from the bottom of a line of pipes and was set to macro. The pipe makes the picture look really cool, I think, and leads your eye up the building and into the sky. One downfall of this picture is that the focal point/center pipe is dead center in the middle of the frame, but I feel like if it wasn't it wouldn't have the same flowy, somewhat mechanical look.

I set my camera to macro again for this shot but I think it looks kind of grainy. I do like this shot though because the background isn't visually blurry because there isn't a lot of detail behind the chain.

This picture is easily my favorite. I set this one to super macro and it picked up on so much of the detail in the wood and without any photoshop editing. What I want to try with this picture is make the wood and the view in back of the hole clear and see if that looks interesting.


Friday, February 5, 2010